I don't think this is what they had in mind
Who: The Last Crack Hipster
What: Character profile
When: October 21, 2009
Where: New York Observer
Why you should care:
Crack – the ever-elusive drug that people are always talking about. Ever wonder what exactly that stuff is? How to make, cook or buy it? Well never fear! Spencer Morgan of the NY Observer hung out with the Last Crack Hipster and his interesting (to say the least) account of said meeting completely breaks it down for us. Apparently, according to the LCH, crack is no longer wack, nor is it “the bogeyman that they [the media] has made it out to be. Instead, it’s the last drug the fuck-the-man, too-cool-for-school, downtown set can claim as their (rather, our) own. Coke and weed are for the yuppies now. Well…that’s certainly one way to look at it. Another, is that it’s a terrible drug that destroys tons of lives, families, and friendships. But hey, that’s just my opinion. What do you think? [NYO via Gawker]
hipsters are taking their role in society to another level. i can undesrtand hating music that goes mainstream, actors, writers, but CRACK. It sound completely crazy to me! i dont give a fuck if donald trumph is smoking or doing my drug of preference that is not a reason to turn to the must descructive drug. just crazy!!! the article should be called the last crazy mother fucker!!